Sunday, July 28, 2013

Nate - 5 Months

Mr. Nate-

Yes, we missed a month.  I know, I know.  I have started a savings account for your therapy that you will require due to '2nd Child Syndrome', so if you are reading this and distraught over this missed month, please mention said fund and we will get you some help.

The months of June and July were filled with all sorts of things that took my mind far, far away from the blog.  But believe me when I say that my mind was 110% focused on you for a good period of time.  Let's just jump into the dramatics of the months and then get to the good stuff. 

You see, at the end of June you got sick for the first time with a cold.  Ordinarily not a huge deal, but you started wheezing and that scared your mama to bits.  It didn't help that we were leaving for vacation the day after I first heard your wheezing.  We took you to the Dr. and he said we caught it early and he was ok with us traveling with a nebulizer.  (I also had a stethoscope and a pulse-ox on hand...we've already covered that I am crazy).  Well, you got better, then you started daycare (did NOT go well - we will cover that in a bit), then you got sick again and ended up in the hospital for 4 nights.  It was more of the same - lots of wheezing and your oxygen sats were low.  Through your entire stay you didn't require any oxygen and you were just the happiest little guy.  We were there for security and monitoring but you pulled through on your own and they let us bust out and recover at home.  You are still slowly getting back to normal, but are doing great.  The aftermath is that you are being evaluated by a pediatric pulmonologist with the thought that you may have asthma.   You have more appointments in August so hopefully we get this figured out.

So, back to you and the good stuff!  The past two months I have really seen your personality blossom.  You are such a happy guy!  You are noticing the world around you more and more and everything intrigues you.  You smile at the cats, a toy, the boppy (you know it is time to eat when you see it and you smile), anything really!  It is so wonderful to have such a good natured baby.  You are easy to please and quite content sitting on a lap and chewing on a toy or just laughing while we make   faces for you.
You have become more aware of yourself and of exactly who is with you in the past two months as well.  You are spending more time examining your hands and feet and are working on getting your toes in your mouth.  I don't mean to burst your bubble, but I think that belly of yours is going to keep you from achieving the toes in the mouth trick.  You also like your mirror and will spend some time chatting it up with yourself while laying on your mat. 
For the 4th of July we went with my mom (Gaga) and Grandpa Nick  up to Traverse City.  We rented a beautiful house with them plus Uncle Jerry, and Aunt Terry.  Grams (Gigi), Aunt Donna, and Mykayla live up there so we were all able to spend nice family time together.  We relaxed every day and spent time eating, playing, and sleeping in various places throughout the house and on the beautiful back porch.  Here you are hanging out with Gaga and one of you snuggled up with Gigi  (she always thinks you are cold).  Needless to say, you got a lot of cuddles...after I relaxed about your cold and would actually hand you over to other people. 

After the week of wonderful family time, we came home and I was set to go back to work.  You were set to start at daycare for what was originally going to be 8 week - 3 days/week.  We already had a nanny lined up to start in September.  Well,  young man, your first day there I got a phone call after two hours saying that you would not stop crying and that you wouldn't eat.  We had experienced this a bit while on vacation.  While you are always was always in my presence.  You have rarely been away from me so we didn't know how you would be when I wasn't there.  Very, very angry is the answer.  You spent only 4 hours there the first day and 5 the second day and then you never went back.  Shortest daycare stint ever.  I ended up going back on a semi-leave and we upped our nanny's start date to the beginning of August.  It's a good thing you are so cute b/c those were some very trying weeks. 

With those weeks we got some additional family time since I was still trying to do some work.  Grandma (Daddy's mom) came in to help out and Daddy took some time off as well.  We had plenty of lazy mornings were we would sit in the window and enjoy our time and will you to get healthy again.  The sibling bond between you and Noelle continues to grow.  You light up when you see her and  you look all around when you hear her so that you can find her in a room.  I chalk that up to mostly love, but there is also a bit of self-preservation in that as well, as she likes to cuddle you and sometimes can love you a little too much!  But she sure does love you.  She finds toys for you when you are upset and tends to you like one of her babies.

Well buddy, I can't wait to get you better and have a healthy month again!  Although you are coping amazingly well, your mama feels like she has been running on pure adrenaline most days.  Our sleep has suffered as well, but that is to be expected.  I'm hoping that will get back on track once you are better.  Other stats:

You are wearing some 6 and some 9 month clothing.  At your 4 month appointment you weighed 16 lbs and were 25.5 inches long.  You don't have any teeth yet and you haven't tried any 'solid' food yet.  You have grown quite fond of Sophie and any other toy that you can gnaw on.  Your rainstick is also a favorite (and kept you entertained during the drive to/from TC). 

Love you so much-

Also, had to include this picture.  It's the best picture ever.  Ever!




Thursday, May 30, 2013

Nate - 3 Months

Dear Nate-

3 Months!  Another incredible month with you!  You continue to be an amazingly wonderful little guy. 

We have spent many hours "talking" this month.  You have started cooing and blowing little raspberry bubbles.  You also work up a little giggle when I sit you on  my thighs facing me and bounce you while singing.  I love that laugh and seeing your face light up just because mommy is playing with you.

Tummy time has become much easier this month.  Out of nowhere you randomly started lifting your head up and holding it there for long periods of time...and you were happy about it.  Weird, but I'll take it.  You also rolled from belly to back a few times, but it hasn't happened consistently so we will wait to chalk that up as a skill you have learned.

You have discovered your hands and can get them into your mouth.  I forgot how loud a baby can be when sucking on their fists!  You are working on batting objects and can sometimes get them.  You were trying to bat at a ring of toys while on your mat the other day and I went to the kitchen for a minute.  When I came back you had your arm up with your hand around that ring and looked at me like "now what to I do?".  Adorable.

The month of May was pretty quiet for visitors.  Grandma Anne was here for a short visit and I think that is it.  However, we have been out and about a lot with other mommy/baby friends in the area.  The weather has been beautiful and we have also spent a lot of time outside.  My favorite moments are you and I on the porch swing, swinging and singing and enjoying the sweet, simple moments. 

One of my very favorite moments this past month was a random night that Daddy was out late so it was just you, Noelle, and I at home.  You and I were sleeping in my bed (you sleep next to me every night) and there was a very loud crack of thunder that woke your sister.  I went to her room and brought her back in with us and there we all were.  I couldn't sleep because I wasn't comfortable, but laying in between my two babies was the best feeling in the whole world. 

Your sleep pattern has stayed the same - up at 2, then 5, then every hour until we get out of bed (7 or 8).  I'm ready to get more than a 3 hour block of sleep so any time you are ready to go a little longer, that would be great!

Well Buddy, another month has flown by.  I can't wait to see more of that darling personality come to life.  I'm particularly excited for the day that you can play with Noelle because she is so excited to simply be by you, it will be amazing to see you interacting even more.

3 Month Stats:
Wearing 6 month clothing, not sure on weight and height.  Next Dr. appointment is in a month so we shall see!
Mom, Dad, Noelle, eating, cuddles, faces, kisses, your hands
Eating go from content to starving in 5 seconds
Love you so much-

(you are in a post-eating milk coma in this picture)



Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Nate - 2 Months

Dear Nate-

Here were are, already at 2 months old!  Time is flying by and it has all been so very enjoyable.  You are the dream baby I prayed for.  You rarely fuss and are perfectly content hanging out with me in any capacity.  Target?  Sure!  Taking a walk?  Sure!  Swinging on our porch?  Sounds great!  As long as you are fed (which is often) and with me, you are happy. 

On the topic of your eating - you are definitely a good eater.  I have your stats below, but basically, you went from the 30th percentile for weight at birth to the 70th at 2 months.  This is likely the reason I am back in my pre-pregnancy jeans already and hungry all the time!  I love your little leg rolls and your multiple chins.  Your full Buddha belly cracks me up every time I undress you.  Really, is there anything cuter than a chunky baby? 

Your personality is starting to show.  You are such a smiley little guy.  When we wake up in the morning and after you have eaten, there are huge, open-mouth smiles for anyone who looks at you.  You love eye contact and when people touch your cheeks.  Your belly and feet are ticklish and you squirm and smile when I touch them.  But those smiles, they melt me.  You also have a little dimple on your right cheek that occasionally shows itself while you are smiling.  It's elusive and I cannot get it on camera, but it's there.  I hope it stays!  Other things that make you smile - your sister (you LOVE her), a little bunny on this swing thing we put you in, and a book with bold pictures of animals.  Sometimes you just lay down and smile for no reason that I can see. 

You also do an excited kicking and batting of your arms with a deep breath in when you are really happy.  You sound like you are choking yourself, but it is really just a happy sound.  You do this mostly when I am looking directly at you and talking.  It's your conversation back to me :)

You are a good sleeper as well.  Typically you eat around 8 or 9 and then are down until 2, eat again, and sleep until 5, eat again, then you are up every hour or so.  You would love to get up for the day at 5, as you are smiley and ready to go by then, but I just put you next to me in the bed and we can typically stay there and get some additional sleep until 7 AM.  Then we get up to play with Noelle and get her day going.  I'm not sure how all of this will play out when I have to be up and getting ready for work as it is difficult to manage you both and I just have to get Noelle fed and dressed and ready for school so Daddy can take her.  I know we will figure it out though, just like we adjusted when Noelle came along.

Since I last posted we have had a few visitors.  We had Auntie Lindsay and Aunt Kellie in town, as well as Gaga, Gigi, Aunt Donna and Grandma.  All of them comment on what a good baby you are.   Please always be my sweet boy with big smiles, OK?

Other things I don't want to forget - how your little mouth feels when you are hungry and you brush against my face, hoping that my nose will miraculously give you milk;  how when you wake in the night that you just fuss around and fight your swaddle but then when I unwrap you - you expect food, stat;   they way you follow Noelle with your eyes whenever you hear her; the way you follow me and will turn your head as far as you can to find me in a room; how you fight me swaddling you when you are tired but then as soon as I get you in there, you are sound asleep (except for the times when I think I have a couple hours of freedom only to look down at you and see your eyes open and that big grin); the softness of you; and your randomly long chunk of hair at the back of your head. 

The past two months have been a dream.  I am so excited to watch you grow and get to know you even more.  You truly have completed our family and we are so lucky to have you. 

2 Month Stats:
12 pounds, 14 ounces (70th percentile); 24 inches (70th percentile); wearing 3 month clothing but moving to 6 in some things!

Mom, eating, cuddles, faces, Noelle

Tummy time, waiting more than 15 seconds to eat

Love you-


PS  - Sorry I missed the 1 month post.  You were much the same as you were at one week.  At the time when I should have been writing this, Noelle was home with a bad cough and a nasty stomach bug that lasted an entire week.  I was holed up with you in a room upstairs, over analyzing every sneeze or deep breath you took, while Daddy took excellent care of Noelle.  You and I made it through with no sickness and Daddy just caught a bit of the cough.  Stressful, indeed, but we made it through with only 38 calls to the pedi (nearly).

Thursday, March 7, 2013

1 Week - Nate

One week ago, on February 28th at 2:38 pm, Mr. Nathan Edward made his entrance into this world.  He at 7 pounds, 10 ounces and was 21 inches long.

The delivery was a bit eventful in that his heart rate kept dropping dangerously low with each contraction once I was in very active labor.  I had to move from side to side with each contraction to try to get him back up to a normal rate.  Thankfully, I progressed very quickly and the decision was made that the best option was simply for me to push as hard and as much as I could to get him out of what was turning into a not-so-great environment for him.  After only 40 minutes of pushing, he was out and his cord was wrapped around his neck, which explains the heart-rate issues.  He took a little longer than I would have liked to get out that first cry, but when it came, my heart melted and I relaxed and took in the perfection of my beautiful son. 

Nathan has been a wonderful newborn.  He only cries when he is hungry or during diaper changes.  He nurses very frequently during the day, but sleeps 2-3 hour stretches as night and there are times where I have to wake him to eat.  I'm hoping this trend of sleeping at night continues!  Right now, he is a very easy going little lad.  I have learned from past experience that this could change though so I'm not banking on a sleepy baby for much longer :) 

His awake time is adorable.  He has the brightest eyes and seems to take in everything.  He is particularly responsive to Noelle's voice and movements.  In the womb, I also got the most movement from him when Noelle was talking so I think that bond has already formed for him.  Noelle is pretty smitten with him as well and loves to look at his little feet, hands, ears, etc.  She kisses his head every night and comes to see him as soon as she wakes up. 

Prior to delivery, I had wondered how my heart could possibly love another child as much as I love Noelle.  I knew that it would expand, just as it had when Noelle came into our lives, but I just couldn't imagine it.  Well, it is possible for a heart to love more, and it happened as soon as I saw him.  It feels right having him with us.  It feels right to have Noelle look at him in excitement and talk about her "Baby Nate" to anyone that will listen.  I can't wait to see how our family adjusts and grows with him as he becomes his own little person. 

Cassidy has again been the best support I could have asked for. Since tending to a newborn is not as new and scary for me this time, he has taken on Noelle duty during the night as well as many of the household chores (my mom has also helped a lot with these).  I love seeing him in the role of a new daddy and being so careful and delicate with such a little baby.  He calls Nate his "bud" or "buddy" and I can't wait to see that bond grow between father and son. 

Well, "Baby Nate", (wonder when we will drop the baby in front of Nate??) it's been a great first week.  You have met both grandmas already and they are in love!  We have had some small bumps in the road, but we're still driving and I am excited to see where we go.  Welcome to our crazy little family.  I hope you like it here!

Love you-

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Dear Baby Boy- Tomorrow is the day that we will finally be able to meet you. I should be sleeping now and resting up for what will be a long and tiring day tomorrow, but I just cannot get myself to relax.

I'm excited and I'm so nervous. I'm not first time mom nervous in that I am terrified of labor or worried about how I can possibly care for an infant, but it's a new nervous. I am nervous about how we can possibly care for an infant AND a two year old. I know people do it all the time, but it is what worries me the most. I worry you won't get the undivided attention Noelle had for the past 27 months and I worry that she will not easily adjust to no longer being the receipient of that undivided attention. Ultimately, I am giving each of you the greatest gift I can think of - a sibling. I always wanted one and I hope the two of you develop a wonderful bond that only becomes stronger over time. Noelle is so very, very excited to have a brother and will tell anyone that will listen that a baby is coming. I hope that enthusiasm continues!

My pregnancy (once conceived) with you was fairly easy. No complications, no red flags, no freak out moments. I had the standard aches and pains, but ultimately just trucked along. Maybe you will be my sweet, calm little boy that gives me no trouble in your infancy - right??

Well, I wanted to go one quick post before you join our family tomorrow. We are all so thrilled to meet you and cannot wait to see how much you do, or don't, resemble your sister. Personally, I think you will be larger than her (I'm voting 8.5 lbs) and about the same length. I don't think you will have as much hair, but I do think it will be dark like hers was. I also think you will have those huge, super-kissable cheeks that Noelle had! Enjoy your last night in utero little buddy - it's going to be a wild ride out here!

Love you-