- My 30th birthday
- Trips to San Fran, Seattle, CA, IA, MI, NY to visit family and friends
- Trip to Greece & Turkey with Cass, followed by a week in Greece with some girlfriends
- The passing of Cassidy's grandmother
- Moving from Lakeview to Bucktown
- Our wedding anniversary
- Cass completing a triathlon
- A work promotion for Cass & I
- My uncle's diagnosis of brain cancer, and his passing just a few days ago
While the above events did shape a bulk of our 2009, I know there are so many things that happened that I just cannot remember. The little things, the "in-between" moments, that ultimately bring the most joy to me on a daily basis. I want to remember these little things. I want to look back at them and laugh, cry, feel the feeling I had when the little thing happened. With the passing of my uncle and while listening to the amazing words spoken about him at his memorial which occurred on the date of his 60th birthday, I realized that life is short and memories, both good and bad, are precious. I wish I had more pictures of him, and us as a family. However at most gatherings, I find myself thinking that I don't want to get out my camera and that there will be time "later" to take a picture. Well, you never know when "later" will become impossible.
So, for the new year I am going to try to post one picture every day that represents something about that day. This is my resolution. Enjoy and Happy New Year.
Today's pictures is of the three remaining Christmas cookies I have that were baked by my Grandma (Grams). As far back as I can remember, these exact cookes have been made by her. This year she kept them in the garage and I'm not kidding, any time someone came in or out, there was a cookie in their hand. We even went so far as to hide the tins from others to keep more for ourselves...and in the spirit of being honest, there were actually four cookies when I started my little photo shoot...
what a great idea - I look forward to checking your blog often for updates while avoiding actually work :) p.s. love Gram's cookies, they look just like what my mom used to make!
Here, here. XOXO.
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