Sunday, September 12, 2010

Moving, traveling, showering , etc.

That has been my past month and hence, my lack of blogs. Let's see...since the last post we have packed an apartment, moved to a bigger house (still in the city), traveled to CA for a little mini-vacation along with a baby shower thrown by my mother's wonderful friends, researched and purchased baby and guest room furniture, and looked for a new car (unsuccessfully, so far).

I know, not very exciting for a blog post. However, I do this blog mostly for me and I wanted to remember why I am such a slacker when it comes to posting when there is so much great stuff going on!

On the 9th I felt Noelle's hiccups for the first time. I was in the middle of a meeting and when I realized what was happening, it was very hard to contain my excitement and not ask my client's CFO to feel my belly! I refrained, it would have been akward for all parties involved :) We had our 28 week check up and I got in a sneak ultrasound b/c I happened to be the last appt of the day and my Dr. was in a fabulous mood and did it just for fun! She looked great and was doing her "practice breathing" while we watched her. Today Cass was home when the hiccups started and he could actually hear them when he had his ear on my belly!

Noelle's room is a disaster right now due to our sanding and refinishing of a dresser that Cass's grandfather made. After that is finished and aired out I will post pictures of the progress we are making.

Pictures to come of the belly and other stuff once I find my cord to load them. However, I can show this print, which I bought today for Noelle's room at the handmade fair in Wicker Park. I had been eyeing it on etsy for a while and when I saw it today I snatched it up!


HHRose said...

Just had a've had to purchase maternity BUSINESS clothes, haven't you. What a pain. See, teachers dress so much more casually that all the tops I bought I wore in "real life," too. And--truth to be told--I miss them a little.

Amanda said...

Yes Hannah, I have had to invest more than I wanted in some work clothes...many of which do not work for "real life". I justify the purchases by saying that I will wear them again for the next one :)