Monday, July 26, 2010

So that's what that was!

For about 2-3 weeks now I have been feeling "something" in my belly. At my 20 week appointment the Dr. asked if I was feeling movement yet and my answer was "maybe??". Seeing that I haven't felt it before, I really didn't know what it would feel like.

Well, now Noelle (yes, that's her name and no, we aren't looking for opinions) has been moving a lot and a few days ago I actualy saw a big kick! Now we have a little game where she starts kicking and I'll lightly poke and she'll keep it going. In my world this is a fun game. I'm sure in her world, it is thoroughly annoying. But hey, I'm mom, and I'm bound to annoy her one way or another :)

I have to say that this is a whole new level of joy to actually feel her and to know I have a tiny little human growing inside of me. The ultrasounds are great because I can see her, but this is just something different that I can't describe...but I know all that have been pregnant understand what I am saying.

Only 18 more weeks and we get to meet her! Last night I had a dream that she was born at 2 AM (no date in my dream)...we'll see how that goes!


Kimber said...

love that little noelle has become so active for you - can't wait to meet her too!

HHRose said...

BEAUTIFUL name....not that you care. ;o)