Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Dear Baby Boy- Tomorrow is the day that we will finally be able to meet you. I should be sleeping now and resting up for what will be a long and tiring day tomorrow, but I just cannot get myself to relax.

I'm excited and I'm so nervous. I'm not first time mom nervous in that I am terrified of labor or worried about how I can possibly care for an infant, but it's a new nervous. I am nervous about how we can possibly care for an infant AND a two year old. I know people do it all the time, but it is what worries me the most. I worry you won't get the undivided attention Noelle had for the past 27 months and I worry that she will not easily adjust to no longer being the receipient of that undivided attention. Ultimately, I am giving each of you the greatest gift I can think of - a sibling. I always wanted one and I hope the two of you develop a wonderful bond that only becomes stronger over time. Noelle is so very, very excited to have a brother and will tell anyone that will listen that a baby is coming. I hope that enthusiasm continues!

My pregnancy (once conceived) with you was fairly easy. No complications, no red flags, no freak out moments. I had the standard aches and pains, but ultimately just trucked along. Maybe you will be my sweet, calm little boy that gives me no trouble in your infancy - right??

Well, I wanted to go one quick post before you join our family tomorrow. We are all so thrilled to meet you and cannot wait to see how much you do, or don't, resemble your sister. Personally, I think you will be larger than her (I'm voting 8.5 lbs) and about the same length. I don't think you will have as much hair, but I do think it will be dark like hers was. I also think you will have those huge, super-kissable cheeks that Noelle had! Enjoy your last night in utero little buddy - it's going to be a wild ride out here!

Love you-