How are you already 8 months? How is it already August? Time continues to fly by and you continue to grow at a pace I didn't know was possible.
In terms of your physical development & skills, you went from sitting at 7 months to army crawling at 7 1/2 months and had mastered real crawling by 8 months. You also started to pull yourself up near the end of the month and have taken a few wobbly steps hanging on to the coffee table.
You are so, so happy to be moving. You are constantly on the move and you seem to always have a place in mind when you set out on an adventure. You frequent your toy bin and the magazines (which are a no-no..only b/c you eat them). It's so fun to see you crawl to your bin and pick out what you want, then pick something else 10 seconds later, then another, etc. Our place is a mess :)
With you being on the move, my monthly pictures where I can take my time setting up a shot are gone. I was lucky this month to get one shot where you can almost see the 8 on your onesie.

My favorite move of yours is the "sit and spin". You just sit on the ground and spin yourself around, sometimes multiple times. Sometimes it's to see what is going on behind you, other times it's just to do it. It's hilarious and a big hit at day care. Speaking of daycare, they informed us that when you are there and any of the other babies are crawling in your vicinity, that you shriek out of joy and quickly crawl away. You seem to think they are chasing you and you love it. So now one of our favorite games at home is to take turns chasing each other. The laughing and squeals are enough to keep me going, even though my knees are KILLING me at times!
We had a special guest and a "girls night" in July. Auntie Lindsay flew in from CA for a few days to see you and one night we drove up for to see Kimber and Kacy and even stayed overnight. You were so well behaved for the drive and two meals in public places! At breakfast the morning we were leaving, all the other guests kept fawning over you.
Other adventures for the month were more frequent outings to the park, nearly daily visits to the dog park, a visit to a small petting zoo, and a visit from Grannie Annie and Grandpa Al for a day. Since we were FINALLY under contract on a house, we had our weekends back and it was wonderful!

Other July stats:
Clothing size - you are still wearing a lot of 6 month stuff, but are wearing some small 9 month
You are toothless :)
You are still sleeping through the night (praise Jesus)
Your favorite sound/word is "da-da-da-da" (despite my best efforts for mama)
Fruit/breakfast jar foods, watching older kids, moving everywhere, chasing/being chased, music, cats, feet, babbling, pulling yourself up on everything
The dustbuster! Oh my goodness child, that thing is your arch rival. Every time you are in the kitchen, where it is stationed, you stare that thing down. If we are holding you, you will whip your head around to keep eyes on it at all times. Unfortunately this dislike was discovered one day when I was using it and you came crawling over to me, crying. I thought it was about something else, but soon realized you were terrified of the very object I was holding...but still wanted your mama to comfort you :(
Well little angel, another month, another million milestones it seems. You are an absolute delight and I feel so blessed to have you. You are the light at then beginning and end of every day.
Love you so very, very much-