Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5 Months


I hope you don't take after me in regards to procrastinating. Again, I have lots of good excuses for my tardiness..but let's just jump right in to a recap of your 5th month.
April is going down as the month of "firsts". Here are all the firsts we got through this month: first day back to work, first day of daycare, your first time being sick (which coincided with my first night of staying up wondering if we should take you to the ER - we didn't), first taste of "solids", first time sleeping through the night (and then no longer STTN), and your first Easter. It was also my birthday and we had a visit from Granny Annie! Whew!
The biggest event was me heading back to work and you heading to daycare. I was actually excited to be working again, but leaving you with someone else that first week was really difficult for me. The "drop off" took at least 20 minutes each day because I kept coming back for one more kiss, one more "I Love You". Your teachers told us that you did really well and after that first week, I felt much better about the whole thing. I know it is a hot topic - but I believe that daycare is a better option for you as opposed to a nanny as it helps you to acclimate to new places & people, plus you get to play with other babies all day and learn new things from watching them. By the end of April, you were smiling at your teachers when you arrived and didn't seem to care whether I was in the room or not because you were so occupied with all the toys and the other babies.
The one downside of daycare is getting sick. It took only 2 weeks of you being there before you came down with a cold. The congestion freaked this first time mommy out and I literally had you in bed with me all night the first night (and many nights thereafter) so I could listen to you breathe. We rushed you to the doctor in the morning and they told us that it's a cold...and then I think secretly checked the box on your chart that said "first time parents freaking out about sniffles". However, this did eventually turn into an ear infection which was awful for you and heart-wrenching for me when all we could do was hold you and pray for your meds to start working. But, we made it through and you did get better and back to normal.

Our first foray into solids was somewhat successful. Although, I think you were really into chewing on the spoon rather than the food that was on it. Subsequent attempts resulted in a very large mess and you making a face that is better suited to someone sucking on a lemon. We are still trying on occasion, but we're letting you decide when you are ready.
Your sleeping schedule was pretty great for a while - waking up once during the night during a 7pm - 5am sleep. You even had THREE GLORIOUS NIGHTS of sleeping through then night. Then you got sick and sleep for all of us became a thing of the past. We aren't ready for sleep training yet so we still cater to your every whimper and you were a fixture in our bed for about two weeks while you were sick.

My birthday was wonderful! It was a simple night with you, Dad, my mom, and some cupcakes. Perfect night to celebrate the best year of my life! Dad bought me a beautiful necklace with your birthstone and I wear it every day.

Easter was fairly good. You were sick so you weren't the happiest girl, but you still enjoyed looking through your Easter "bucket" and checking out your goods! When I was growing up, it was a tradition that I got a Disney movie every Easter in my basket. This year, the Easter Bunny gave you Bambi!
You are such a happy baby (except when you were sick, obviously) and you make me smile all day long. I love waking up to your huge smile in the morning along with your excited kicks and crazy arms! I am so proud of how quickly you have adjusted to our new routine and how well you have done at daycare. Time is really flying now that I am back to work and while I am so happy to see the new thing that you do every day, I want to sometimes just hit pause and hold you in those happiest of moments.
This entry is so long, so I'll try to wrap it up, but I'm a mom - we gush - even if nobody else is reading :) Your new skills this month were rolling back to front (and then you didn't stop), discovering your toes, you have fine tuned grabbing objects and can now easily grasp something with one hand in one attempt, babbling and blowing raspberries more frequently, and a large amount of smiles and giggles!

5 Month Stats:
I'm guessing around 15 or so pounds.

Your toes! Rolling, grabbing everything in sight, banging things together, the cats, Daddy tickling you, playing independently, watching the other babies at daycare

Napping (still), having a toy you want out of reach (you have developed a sense of which specific items you want)

I'll write again two weeks days for your 6 month update!

Love you, love you, love you,