Sunday, April 17, 2011

4 Months


I am so sorry this is so late! You are closer to 5 months than 4 at this point, but I'm going to try my best to only gush about your March activities. I have good excuses for my tardiness - my birthday, grandma in town, and going back to work all took place the weekend I would normally write. But anyway, that's next month's blog so let's begin...

The month of March was fantastic for us. During February you had turned a corner from being a shall we say "fussy" baby to being more happy. During March, you were an absolute doll. I kept telling others that you were so much fun and it was a nice way to end out my leave from work, but also made it harder to leave you.

You smile so much and giggle when you hear new noises. You LOVE playing on your tummy and grabbing at your toys in front of you. You are now coordinated enough to pick up toys and get them to your mouth, which is where everything ultimately ends up. It might take you a few tries, but you get there eventually. You also we through a phase with your tongue where it was constantly out of your mouth. It only lasted a week, but it was hysterical. Everytime we looked at you, there was your tongue, just hanging out. I'm sad I didn't get a picture, I didn't realize it was a passing fad (but thank goodness it was).

During March we celebrated Dad's birthday with a simple night at home and I know that having you around made it his best birthday yet. Our St. Patrick's Day celebration was limited to dressing you up in green and having dinner with friends and their kids. Mom and Dad's days of going out and acting like fools passed a few years ago, but this year I felt really old when I was in bed early cursing the loud "kids" walking by our house on the way to their next bar. You'll never be one of those kids, right? I'm sure you won't...

In early March we transitioned you from your pack & play in our room to your crib in your room. Suprisingly, you didn't bat an eye. You slept the same you had been in our room, which still consists of 2-3 wakeups during the night...which leads me to our next new activity together - napping! Kid, you don't like to nap. However, if I cuddle up with you in my bed and nap with you, you can sleep for two hours. March was the month that I gave in and started napping regularly with you. It's the best feeling in the world to have you next to me, feeling you breathing and hearing your little sounds while we sleep. I don't want you to get too attached to sleeping with us so I limit it to one nap a day and some time in the morning if you wake at 4 or 5 and we bring you in with us to get a little more sleep. However, if I wasn't afraid of eventually trying to convince a 4 year old that it's time to leave our bed, I would have you with me during the night as well.

Your Grandpa Schumacher came for a weekend visit and you loved your time with him. You were smiling and loved when he tossed you and caught you. You have him wrapped around your little finger and it's so special for me to see him so in love with you.

Little one, things just keep getting better with you and this month has made me happier than I have ever been. You continue to grow stronger, smarter, and sweeter every day. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love you so very much!

4 Month Stats:
13 pounds, 15 ounces and 25 inches

Anything and everything that you can grab and put in your mouth, things that make noises, people's faces, watching the cats, going for walks and watching the dogs at the dog park

Napping alone...that's about it! See, I told you that you've changed!
