Well, here's the thing: My computer bit it. And by bit it, I mean it just won't turn on anymore. I'm sure if the monitor wasn't as black as the couch cushion that my cat likes to lay (or lie, I never really grasped that whole grammar lesson), it too would boast a little sad mac face along with 2 ipods in our household. Electronics and I have never had a good relationship but my computer dying while I'm here in Spain could be the end of me. It is my connection to everyone/thing in the US!
Luckily, I am heading out to California next week to see my family so I'm going to go buy a new computer.
I needed one anyway for my personal use, especially for loading my new photography programs. As some of you know, I bought a new camera that is wonderful! I really love photography and I decided it is a hobby worth pursuing and investing in so I purchased a professional quality camera and am working on learning all it can do and starting to take some good (by my humble standards) pictures. So far I have mainly subjected my cats to hundreds of shots while I adjust settings, etc. It made for some very good, very angry looking cat, shots. Unfortunately, those are all on the computer that refuses to cooperate so hopefully I will be able to recover those and post a few.
Everything else is going well. I will post some pics I took around Madrid, some shots of Segovia, and some cat shots when I have a computer again. Cass and I are off to Valencia this weekend for some sunshine, beach, and perhaps a bit of culture.
Take care!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
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